My menu for any brunch always includes the following: something sweet, something savory, a side of fresh fruit, and mimosas. Done.
Brunch may be my favorite meal to host. It is the easiest to prep ahead for, and the easiest to make more or less formal. If it happens to look less formal than planned, it’s still fine. If all else fails…mimosas.
We had some friends over in our new house right after Christmas when Emerson was about 3 months old. We moved in a couple days before Christmas were still settling in. I made a cinnamon bundt coffee cake, and had just gotten a new cast iron skillet, so I planned on making a veggie frittata. They were bringing the fruit, and we had everything for plenty of mimosas. About an hour before their arrival, one of my dogs jumped over the baby gate to the kitchen and ATE MY COFFEE CAKE! I was SOOO mad. This was clearly not part of the plan. My husband made a speedy run to Panera (thank God for their whole coffee cakes). Our friends arrived while I was making the “quick” frittata on the stove. As It was taking a very long time, I admitted I’d never used cast iron before and had no idea how long I was supposed to cook it for. The bottom was definitely burned, but they ate it, said they loved it, and we all had a great time (because, mimosas. Just kidding).
Basically, make sure you have friends that really just want to hang out with you and don’t care if you screw everything up. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve experimented with a new recipe and totally flopped, but it’s a lot. You learn as you go and pick up a few things along the way. These are just a few things I thought might be helpful:
- Little details do matter and make a world of difference. Use real napkins, real silverware. If you’re feeling fancy, use napkin rings (you can even make your own!)
- I’ll repeat: Something sweet, something savory, side of fresh fruit, mimosas.
- Try to use at least one recipe that is make ahead. This is a favorite make ahead egg bake from Sally’s Baking Addiction, and this is a favorite make ahead coffee cake, also from Sally. If you’re not a baker, get the frozen chocolate or almond croissant from Trader Joes. You set them out the night before, and bake for 20 minutes the next morning. So good and so easy!
- Relax and enjoy yourself. These are your friends and they are here to see YOU. Don’t stress; it will all be fine!