Welcome to Lane & Pearl! I’m so excited to share the things that I love with you.
I created this site for many reasons, but it started with the need for self-care. I was feeling a bit restless with my life- not unhappy, just not necessarily moving forward. I have a beautiful (almost) 2 year-old son, and an incredible, supportive husband. I love my job, I love the people I work with. I was comfortable, but I wasn’t excited. I had a list of projects I wanted to work on, but the list kept growing and I couldn’t find the time to do them. I wanted to get back into exercising again, but it just wasn’t happening. I kept making excuses.
I wasn’t making these things a priority, which also meant I wasn’t making myself a priority. I love to make stuff, I love designing and sewing, I love cooking, and I love researching and learning how to do it all better. The process of creating gives me so much joy. Exercising gives me energy and confidence. I feel I am at my best when I am doing those things regularly.
I was listening to a podcast (Live Free Creative with Miranda Anderson) and something she said totally clicked. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Every single person. You, me, the top CEO’s, the marathon-runners, and so on. It is what we do with these hours and how we manage our time that makes all the difference.
You will find the time for what is important to you, so I decided to stop making excuses. Not doing those things was draining me, so I am now trying to be very intentional with my time and prioritizing the things that matter most. I see the value in making myself a priority because I see the value in myself! As Rachel Hollis says, “Hope is not a strategy.” Your dream becomes a goal when you have a plan of action.

So here’s where the name came from: Lane and Pearl are the two streets I have to turn on from my house to get to Spring Lake Park. This is where I first went to run when I felt inspired to make a change in my life. I needed to make the time for the things that were important to me. These streets represent the beginning of a life I dreamed for myself, the gift of self-motivation, the strength in believing I have the power to be the very best version of myself, and the call to action to make it all happen.
My dreams became goals when I turned on to Lane and Pearl and I had decided to make a change. It all starts with action. I started running and committed to doing it every day to feel better about myself. I created this site, which is something I’ve dreamed of doing for years. I finally stopped letting my fear of failure keep me from pursuing it. I’m doing this for me and because it gives me energy. It is impossible to fail when your motivation for doing something is simply because you love it. So, whatever that “thing” is that has been on your to-do list for way too long, go do it! No more excuses. Start now!