My first baby turns 3 today! I just had my second baby 5 days ago – and that’s an adjustment on its own – but with their birthdays so close together, I still want Emerson to feel celebrated too! So today is ALL ABOUT EMERSON: Pumpkin pancakes, Toddler Time at SkyZone, new tool kit, cupcakes, and some time outside in the dirt.
But first, to the beginning: The day Emerson was born.
Emerson’s due date was September 18, 2016. I learned that due dates truly are just an estimate and don’t mean very much; they come when they are ready. I still went to work and that day came and went with no hints he was ready to make an entrance into the world.
The morning of Wednesday, September 28 (yup, 10 days after his supposed due date), there was still no sign that a baby was coming. Chris went to work as usual. I made pumpkin pancakes, and also continued to work from our temporary apartment in South Orange. Around 11 am, I felt what I thought could possibly be a contraction, but nothing crazy. Around 12pm, Chris texted me just to check in. I told him I thought I was having contractions that were (very) quickly getting to be more painful and that he should probably come home. I started packing my hospital bag (so prepared, I know). He got to our apartment around 2pm and by then I could barely move because the contractions were happening so fast.
[I should note that I didn’t feel the need to go to the hospital right away because I had planned on as natural a birth as possible, meaning I didn’t want an epidural (a giant optional needle!? No thanks!), and as few interventions as possible. When I found out I was pregnant, I started looking for doctors and I saw a few different ones at different practices, one of whom actually laughed at me when I mentioned that I wanted a natural birth. So obviously I kept looking around for someone I felt comfortable with, and when I found a midwife practice, I knew that it was the right fit for me. They do the same routine tests as any doctor, and they were absolutely fantastic throughout my pregnancy.]
The birth coach from our parenting classes had told us that I should fuel my body as much as I could and drink coconut water, which would keep my hydrated with some extra calories as well. I tried to eat but the contractions were just too intense and I didn’t have a lot of time in between. I wanted to labor at home for as long as possible, but we were also expecting more time, as we had been warned that most first labors take hours and hours. We let my midwife on-call at the hospital know that we would be coming in soon. She had told us before to call when the contractions were 5 minutes apart to give her a heads up, but mine had started at around 3 minutes apart so we didn’t have as much down time as we thought!
We went to the hospital around 4pm. I was wheelchaired in because I wasn’t getting to the doors quick enough and I had to keep stopping through the contractions. I was admitted right away and was told I was between 8-9 cm already. That was such a relief because I really had hoped I wasn’t just being dramatic. Ha!
I wanted a room with a tub so I had the option to labor in the water or move around. I was in the tub while they continued to check my vitals. I didn’t have an IV or anything, so I continued to sip my water to stay hydrated. The nurses couldn’t believe how quick my contractions were for not having Pitocin (the drug they use to help induce labor). All of a sudden, I felt very ready to push. I was comfortable in the tub but they thought the baby would be on the larger side. If he had gotten stuck, it would have been harder to deliver him in the water. So, as a precaution, I got out.
As crazy as it sounds, I’m glad I could feel all of it. I could feel my body doing what it needed to. The nurses kept asking if I wanted a mirror because sometimes that helps women know how close they are. I absolutely did not want to watch; I knew exactly when I needed to push and I could feel him moving down. I pushed for about 30 minutes, and then he was here!
Our sweet Emerson Grey arrived on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 7:06 pm. 9 lbs, 4 oz. and almost 23 inches long. I honestly felt like a superhero after. Birthing a human is such an incredible and empowering experience! I was so proud of myself and so relieved he was perfect and healthy.
Every birth is beautiful and crazy and magical, no matter how they are delivered. It’s nearly impossible to plan how your birth is going to go, but I’m so grateful mine went as smoothly as it did. It’s truly amazing what our bodies can do!
Happy 3rd Birthday, Emerson!