We’re onto a new decade and the days of my 20’s are just about over. Cheers to the new decade! Looking back on this last decade, here are some of my personal highlights:
2010: I completed my sophomore year of college and began my junior year. During the summer, I was an SIT Co-director with Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences (LRCC). In the fall, I got super into fitness, working out, and getting myself together. I did lose a good amount of weight, but mostly I just felt healthy and really felt a change in lifestyle. I began logging my field hours toward my undergrad degree, and started to focus on my studies, since most of the standard classes I didn’t love were out of the way and I was finally into the classes I was passionate about.
2011: I finished up my junior year and then worked at a summer camp (Cross Roads) in New Jersey. This was when I met Chris and we basically started dating the day we met. We continued to date long-distance while I finished my last semester of college in CA (I technically graduated a semester early), and Chris went back home for school in IL.
2012: I took a big leap of faith and moved to IL! While Chris was completing his undergrad, I started grad school for school counseling (and got my own apartment and a cat). It was actually so hard to have graduated early, move away from family and friends. I struggled with depression for the first time, which is sort of ironic since I started work as a graduate assistant in the counseling center. I went back (AKA drove back with Chris and his family – 30 hours each way in my little Toyota Corolla) to CA to walk with my class at graduation, which was wonderful, but really hard to leave again. Living in IL, I had ridiculous anxiety over tornadoes and basically became an expert on them from all my research and “what-if” situations. I could say so much more about this year, but I’ll just say… it wasn’t my favorite.
2013: Chris graduated from college, and I finished up all of my courses for grad school except for the field work. We packed up our stuff and prepared to move to CA so Chris could start grad school in Berkeley in the fall. We went to NJ for the summer to work together again at Cross Roads, the camp we met at two summers prior. Then, surprise! He ended up getting a job at a church in NJ so we went back to CA to get our stuff, then drove across the country (AGAIN) and moved to Summit, NJ. We got engaged in September and got our first dog, Crosby, in October.
2014: We got married in June! It was so fun to have our family and friends come out from all over the country to our new home in NJ. We had our honeymoon in Disney World. We got a second puppy, Piper, but lost her in a tragic accident. We adopted Tanner a few months later and she’s been driving Crosby crazy ever since. Ha. And then I finally started my field work at New Providence High School!
2015: I started working at Christ Church in Bloomfield and Glen Ridge as their director of family ministries. I finished my field work and graduated with my Master’s degree in school counseling. Chris started grad school at Drew, and then got a job that was a better fit for our family at Christ Church in Short Hills.
2016: I found out I was pregnant right before my birthday in January, and then welcomed our first baby boy in September! You can read his birth story here. We also had the craziest housing story and moved all over and lived with friends, at camp, and at airbnb’s while we were in the process of buying a house. We finally lucked out and found an apartment to sublet just in time with with our new baby, 2 dogs, and cat. We then bought our first home in November, did a bit of work on it and then moved in right before Christmas. During this time, Chris was also working to start up a new no-profit in downtown Newark. It was a whirlwind of a year!
2017: I continued to work and was/am still so very grateful to have a job that allowed me to bring my baby to work with me and work from home as needed. It was a great year, but also kind of a blur. Finding that work/mom/life balance is hard! I’m not just a working mom, or a stay-at home mom, but a bit of both, working with my kid at home and in the office. It’s overwhelming sometimes, but again- I know I’m incredibly fortunate to be able to do that!
2018: In June, I spent time traveling with Emerson through CA while Chris was on his youth pilgrimage. We went to the San Diego Zoo, just the two of us. My cousin met up with us for a few days and we explored and spent time at the beach. I started to feel like I needed to do something more as a creative outlet, so I created Lane and Pearl! I’m so happy I did. I needed something just for me that allows me to write, share, and motivate myself, and while I haven’t been super consistent with it, I’m hoping that changes this year! I also attended my 10-year high school reunion in October. It was the first time I ever left Emerson overnight, but Chris had everything under control, and I fully appreciated that solo plane ride!
2019: Once again, I found out I was pregnant around my birthday and we welcomed our second baby boy in September! Chris graduated with his masters in May, and I think we’ll both take some time off from school for a bit. We also spent two weeks in CA over the summer, visiting friends and family.
The 2010’s were a very full decade. Not included in the highlights above were the 15 plus weddings we attended all over the country (many that Chris or I were in the wedding party). And, the countless journeys friends and family have made to visit me in CA, IL, and NJ. I truly appreciate the friendships we’ve been lucky to have and sustain, even through many moves. Cheers to the next decade (and my 30s)!